Os AAPI Maldives Tour Diaries

How hospitality booking works (if you haven’t subscribed after the first video, now's a great time to do it)

En-route stop to explore the wall paintings at the Dambulla Cave Temple. As one reaches the city of Dambulla lies a hub which has been treasured by many kings since the 1st century B.C. Today, an icon in the face of Sri Lanka Dambulla Rock Temple houses some of the most unique drawings in magnificently constructed 5 cave temples flanking the golden temple of Dambulla. Observe how exquisitely cave paintings are done along walls that shelter 150 statues of Lord Buddha. As you enter the retreat look straight up to the gigantic Buddha statue glittering in gold over a land which today houses an important junction in the country’s economic and cultural uplifting. Continue your journey to Kandy, and check in to the hotel. Kandy the popular charming hill capital of Sri Lanka is surrounded by hills, valleys, rivers, lakes and waterfalls. It is the cultural center of the island and a UNESCO heritage city. Tonight enjoy a Traditional Dance Performance arranged at the hotel, followed by a Sri Lankan themed night. Be awed by the spectacular dance, acrobatics, costumes and music at the Kandyan cultural show. This cultural show depicts various forms of Kandyan dancing which was once native to the area but has now spread to different regions of the island. Originated from a dance performed by Indian shamans who came to the island, Kandyan dancing plays an important role in Sri Lankan culture and is a much-anticipated event during perahera processions. Overnight in Kandy

Klook is a T&A provider that mostly focuses on Asian tours with destinations ranging from China and Shanghai to Japan and Singapore. The company suggests OTAs enroll in an affiliate program and get access to the T&A database via either a SaaS solution or an API.

Members of the Executive Committee, BOT, distinguished members of AAPI, and all guests, each time we gather to website inaugurate a president, we bear witness to the enduring strength of our bylaws and constitution.

Browse by category or search for specific topics from a list of over 350 curated activities offering CME and MOC. Most activities are free to members.

The other option is to negotiate with consolidators or host travel agencies who will ticket flights for you. Read more on non-accreditation ticketing options in the article that we wrote together with Amadeus.

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Hotel Booking API. The API works in combination with the previous one enabling all aspects of the booking procedure, from requesting room availability to receiving booking lists and making cancellations.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Jan 12, 2024: KANDY – NUWARA ELIYA After breakfast, check out from the hotel and proceed to visit the much famed Temple of the Tooth. The golden-roofed Temple of the Tooth enshrines Sri Lanka’s most important Buddhist relic – a tooth of the Buddha. During offering times, the heavily guarded room housing the tooth is open to devotees and tourists. However, you don’t actually see the tooth. It’s kept in a gold casket shaped like a ‘dagoba’ (stupa), which contains a series of six dagoba caskets of diminishing size. Thereafter, board a local train at Kandy Train Station where your seats will be pre-reserved, and enjoy a scenic train journey through mountains, waterfalls and tea estates to the hill 12 country – Nuwara Eliya…Experience live music and sing some of your favorite songs, while enjoying local snacks and drinks served during your train journey.

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While this way isn’t as common as GDSs, it’s a viable option for small businesses, startups, or enthusiasts who need access to flight booking APIs.

Main users: OTAs aiming at distributing rich content, larger OTAs, innovative travel application providers

OTAs, tour operators, and other travel providers can tap into WebBeds inventory through their branded booking websites or API connectivity (contact them directly via an em linha form for more details.) Sunhotel has a separate XML API connecting to 368,000 properties in 120 countries.

Look at popularity. ProgrammableWeb suggests looking at Google Trends to understand how popular the product is. Popularity isn’t only a proof of quality but also the foundation for a community that builds around a product.

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